From heart to heart

On April 13, a senior lecturer of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Borbasova Gulnur Nursaiynkyzy, held an open lesson "From heart to heart" within the framework of the «Айналанды нұрландыр» project, in which 1st-year students of the Applied Kazakh Linguistics and Literary Studies of the philological faculty took part.

The purpose of the open lesson:


  • Increase compassion for people
  • Increase unity in the group


We started our event with a game exercise to say kind words. About children deprived of parental protection in the country, about the problems of our time. Very touching videos about caring for loved ones were shown and presentations were protected.They awakened warmth in every student. Therefore, we shared our thoughts about the need to always say kind words to each other and show kindness.

During the open lesson, songs were read out, songs in the Kazakh language were also performed under the dombra. During the discussion, the students' love for their Homeland, country, land, and every family was vividly manifested. A survey was conducted and a preventive game was played. The topic was fully disclosed, and students received excellent summaries of spiritual efforts and kindness.




Publication date :  4/27/2023