Curatorial hour: "Behavior in public places"

On February 11, 2022, 1st-year undergraduates Zhanar Abdykalykova and Nurailym Bolatova, together with the head of the pedagogical practice, Nazym Utegalievna Shedenova, held a curatorial hour for 2nd-year students of the specialty "Sociology", dedicated to the topic of behavior in public places, in particular, they discussed with students the problem of tobacco consumption.Studies have shown that smoking shortens the life of a smoker by 6-20 years, smokers are 10-30 times more likely to die or become disabled from heart attack, stroke, cancer, stomach ulcers, lung diseases, and a person who smokes one pack a day spends an average of 350 tenge on it. The cost of cigarettes per week will amount to 2,450 tenge, per month - 10,500 tenge, per year - 126,000 tenge. Also, non–smokers - passive smokers suffer from smoking, every year around the world about 900,000 people die from passive smoking. Besides, smoking is unfashionable. Smooth skin, healthy complexion, dazzling white teeth, athletic figure and strong muscles are in fashion now.The students were informed that in accordance with Article 441 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a fine of 15 MCI (45945 tenge in 2022) is imposed for the consumption of tobacco products in public places, for example, in the entrances of houses, educational institutions, catering establishments, cinemas. Smoking committed repeatedly within a year after the imposition of an administrative penalty - entails a fine of 25 MCI (76575 tenge).

Publication date :  2/12/2022