"Oner turaly suhbat."

Department of Biotechnology of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Al-Farabi University in the framework of the project "100 books" invites you to a meeting with the daughter of a prominent composer Ahmet Zhubanov, Ph.D., professor Zhubanova Azhar Ahmetovna on "Oner turaly suhbat."

The purpose of the meeting:

1. Raise the spiritual wealth of today's youth and deeper introduce the works of Ahmet Zhubanov;

2. Of course, familiarize with the Azhar Ahmetovna that reach the highest peaks and teaches his students the skills.

Place of events: GAM-6, 214 room., April 1, Time: 14:00

For more information: 8 (727) 377-33-33, ext: 12-11

Publication date :  4/6/2015