«International Journalism in the Information Partnership: global trends»


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Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Journalism Faculty, UNESCO Chair, International Journalism and Public Relations is organizing an international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the problems of international journalism.

The conference: "International Journalism in the Information Partnership: global trends."

Date: April 7, 2016. Beginning at 10:00.

Event location: Faculty of Journalism, Conference Room named after T.K.Kozhakeev (230)

Directions of scientific discussions and sessions:

International journalism as a factor of sustainable development.

The world's media in shaping international relations climate.

Possibilities of international journalism in the organization of dialogue between cultures.

International journalism in national and international legislation.

UNESCO International standards on journalism education.

New technologies and ethics of the international media.

The conference will be held round table on the theme: "Actual problems and trends in the development of international journalism".

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