Research Councils

In accordance with the Charter of the al-Farabi Kazakh National University, the Department Regulations on science and innovation activity the Scientific and Technical Council of al-Farabi KazNU (STC) is a governance of scientific, technical, organizational and research activities at the university.

The main duties and functions of STC al-Farabi KazNU are:

  • To elaborate and realize the strategy of scientific, technical, and research activities ;
  • To organize and coordinate fundamental, search and applied, innovative research in the field of natural, technical and social and human sciences;
  • To develop main guidelines in the realization of the University Strategy of Industrial and Innovation Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the recommendations for the implementation production, management and marketing ;
  • To organize and coordinate the interaction with other research institutions and industrial enterprises, international foundations and organizations to support scientific and educational process;
  • To analyze the statistics of thesis defending activity for awarding the degree of Doctor (PhD), Doctor of the corresponding profile;
  • To c the scientific directions of the doctoral (PhD) educational program;
  • To analyze the organization and coordination activities of the university research work of students (RWS), forms and methods for involvement of students in the research process;
  • To organize popularization and dissemination of scientific achievements in the University (exhibitions, publishing);
  • To coordinate and monitor the activities (RI), research centers (RC), Technopark;

STC of the al-Farabi KazNU includes: Chairman – Vice-Rector for research and innovation activities, Deputy Chairman - Director of the Department of Science and Innovation, Director of the Institute and Science Centre, Academic Secretary, leading scientists recommended by the faculties of the University, the Vice-Deans for research and innovative activities, head of research activities, head of innovation, head of training and certification of scientific personnel.

Meetings of STC of the al-Farabi KazNU are held at least once a quarter and registered in the protocol. Protocols signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the STC.