A. Bukeikhanov and problems of the national - liberation uprising in Kazakhstan


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Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Department of History, Archaeology and Ethnology on the4 November 2016 holds the Republican scientific - theoretical conference on the title  "A. Bukeikhanov and problems of the national - liberation uprising in Kazakhstan "dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence, the 100th anniversary of the national liberation uprising of  1916 and the 150th anniversary of the birth of Bukeikhanov.

The purpose of the conference - to discuss on the basis of previously unknown sources conceptual - theoretical principles of national - liberation uprisings and their managers, life and socio - political activities of A. Bukeikhanov and Kazakh national intellectuals of the twentieth century, towards the independence of the Kazakh people.

The conference will work in the following sections:

1. A. Bukeikhanov and socio-political activity of Kazakh national intellectuals in the beginning of  Twentieth century.

2. The national - liberation uprising in 1916 and the struggle for the attainment of independence.

3. Independence and the idea of ​​"MangilikEl."


To participate in the conference are invited domestic and foreign scientists, doctoral students and undergraduates.

For the preparation and publication of the proceeding of the conference and the program of the conference materials should be submited until the 24 of Oktober  in 2016 to the Organizing Committee: 140000, Almaty, Al-Farabi avenue 71, GUK 3, office. 4-4, 413, Department of History of Kazakhstan Tel .: +7 (727) 3773338 (ext. 12-87), 87078737923, e-mail: b_madina.d@mail.rucompleted registration form marked "for the conference" and article of 5-7 pages, typed in Microsoft Office Word (2003, 2007) on the flash media and printed on white A4 paper (materials will not be returned). Each file should include a single job file is called by the name of the author (example: Ainur_Sadykova_conference).


Requirements for the materials: 

font Times New Roman, (14 pt); spacing - single, margins: top - 2 cm, bottom - 2 cm, left - 3 cm, right - 1 cm indention - 0.6 cm .;

top of the page - title, underneath, single-spaced, surname and initials of the author, place of work and the city of lowercase letters, and then, single-spaced text;

Formula should be made in the formula editor Microsoft Equation, drawings (black and white without shades), scanned format JPEG, JPG at least 300 dpi.


Example of article:


A.Sh.Sadykova Ph.D., assistant professor of the history of Kazakhstan

Kazakh National University

Almaty, Kazakhstan


1. V.V. Bartold History of the Study of the East Europe and Russia. - Proc .: Works. -T.IX. - M., 1977. – 286p.

2. Kastelsky Z.L. From the history of Turkestan (1865-1917). - M .: Nauka, 1980. -120 p.


We draw your attention to the need to provide materials in a carefully drafted in compliance with all of the above requirements. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject materials that do not meet the design and delivery time. Information about the positive decision on the publication of abstracts will be sent to your email address within 3 days after receiving material. Conference proceedings will be published by the organizers.


Travel, accommodation and meals are paid for by the participants.


Last name _______________________________________________________

Name __________________________________________________________

Middle Name _______________________________________________________

Degree ____________________________________________________________

Organization, position ________________________________________________

Home address ______________________________________________________

Phone ____________________________________________________________

E-mail ____________________________________________________________

Section ___________________________________________________________

Title _____________________________________________________________



Information on the Co-Rapporteurs _____________________________________

I intend to:

make a presentation at a meeting of the section;

take part in the conference as a listener;

Participate in absentia.


We are grateful for the dissemination of this information to interested parties.

Sincerely,Organizing Committee