
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Mathematical and Computer Modelling (PFUR)


Mechanics and Mathematics

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Engineering Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1 To make reviews, substantiated conclusions and recommendations on the basis of systematization and analysis of scientific and technical information on the topic of scientific research in the chosen field;
ON2 to develop curricula for mathematical disciplines for inclusion in the educational process, to present the material orally and in writing;
ON3 to teach mathematics and special subjects in educational institutions, professional educational organizations and educational institutions of higher education;
ON4 Integrate knowledge gained in various disciplines to solve research problems of natural science;
ON5 to critically evaluate modern scientific concepts and theories in the field of applied mathematics to determine the object and subject of independent research;
ON6 to conduct research in the field of modeling natural and technological processes based on classical and modern modeling methods and to obtain new scientific and applied results independently and as part of a research team;
ON7 to make mathematical models to describe the processes under study, to assess the accuracy and reliability of the results of mathematical modeling;
ON8 to develop software packages for solving problems in the field of modeling natural science processes on the basis of modern programming languages, high-performance technologies;
ON9 to develop and apply mathematical methods, system and application software for solving problems of scientific and design and technological activities;
ON10 to plan and carry out numerical experiments, analyze and interpret the results obtained, make reasonable conclusions and predictions of the behavior of the objects under study;
ON11 to build research activities on the basis of ethical and legal norms in relations between people, to bear personal responsibility for the quality of work and scientific accuracy of the results;
ON12 to objectively assess the level of their own educational background and realize the need to form new competencies, build a personal trajectory of further professional training and growth.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years