
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:




  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Philological Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1 Solve cognitive tasks; problem situations of linguacultural and ethnolinguistic nature - to analyze the speech behavior of representatives of different cultures, to communicate with representatives of different cultures in the spheres of culture, politics, economics.
ON2 Compare the linguistic specialties of representatives of different cultures; explain the causes of communicative failures in intercultural communication.
ON3 Explain and eliminate the causes of intercultural, interlingual and interethnic conflicts; develop an algorithm for the success of intercultural communication; compare the models of the policy of tolerant co-existence of representatives of different cultures in the RK and other countries;
ON4 Demonstrate a systematic and creative, original approach and independence to solve complex problems of the relationship between language and society; to make reliable, well-grounded conclusions in the absence of complete data and logically and transparently express their ideas and conclusions both for professionals and for audiences who do not have appropriate professional training.
ON5 Demonstrate the personal qualities and skills necessary for successful employment and require the manifestation of initiative and personal responsibility in the political, educational, socio-cultural spheres; round out your position in the choice of the language of instruction, science, education;
ON6 Interpret the actual material depending on the methodology of the study of cognitive linguistics; reformulate the positions and theories in the perspective of their own linguistic research; discuss the latest trends and achievements in the field of artificial intelligence, language reflexion, mental processes with reliance on one's own scientific research;
ON7 Explain the causes of mental processes in the language, depending on the choice of language, the dominant language, language proficiency; predict the linguistic situation; determine the direction of further personal and professional development of the polyvalent personality of the linguistic scientist.
ON8 Own the terminological apparatus of linguoculturology; use the knowledge gained to solve problems in intercultural communication; assess the achievements of Kazakh linguists in the field of linguocultutrology; classify the markers of speech communication of Kazakhs in the context of the development of the ethnos.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years