
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances


Chemistry and Chemical Technology

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Engineering Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
1.systematize basic scientific and technical information about concepts and technologies for obtaining inorganic species and materials, in the view of the modern principles for sustainable development;
2.explain new principles, approaches, and theories in inorganic chemical technology, including modern teaching methods, in agreement with the methodology and philosophy of scientific knowledge as well as based on advanced English-language scientific literature;
3.analyze modern technology schemes for production or processing inorganic materials as well as the same for the products of these technologies;
4.carry out complex research and testing in the study of materials and products, their production processes, processing and modification;
5.solve scientific and engineering problems of chemical technology of inorganic substances, in agreement with the industrial priorities of Kazakhstan, but in new and unfamiliar contexts, by using modern methods of research, analysis, diagnosis and modeling;
6.improve methods for controlling processes of inorganic technology as well as for analyzing both raw materials and final products;
7.optimize process parameters and equipment for improving the effectiveness of obtaining and processing inorganic species and materials;
8.carry out the educational process in chemical and chemical-technological disciplines in higher education organizations, by means of modern educational technologies and teaching methods(if necessary, also in English language);
9.critically evaluate the newest achievements in the theory and practice of chemical technology with the goal of implementation into production;
10.manage technological processes in the context of environmental and industrial safety;
11.develop new technologies for processing mineral raw materials and obtaining inorganic substances and materials, in agreement with worldwide development trends as well as those of Kazakhstan's industry;
12.demonstrate professionalism and leadership during implementation and organization of research and production processes.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years