
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

Child Psychology


Philosophy and Political Science

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Social Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
1. Demonstrate a systematic vision of historical aspects and conceptual foundations of theoretical and methodological, applied, sectoral approaches of social sciences and humanities and the foundations of experimental work in psychology.
2. Using the concept, typology and causes of dysontogenesis, analyze the causes and characteristics of mental development disorders, diagnose deficient and distorted mental development, conduct a pathopsychological study.
3. To operate with the concepts of child neuropsychology and psychosomatics in the field of features of the development of higher mental functions in children, sensory and gnostic disorders, psychosomatic disorders of childhood and adolescence.
4. Possess a system of scientific categories and concepts that define anomaly, giftedness, talent, genius; the nature and structure of these phenomena, the features of their age formation, principles and methods of identification; their psychological correction and support.
5. Apply methods, procedures, techniques and techniques of psychodiagnostic, correctional and developmental, counseling and psychotherapy activities in family and individual practice (including in the field of child-parent relations).
6. To make psychodiagnostic, medical and psychological conclusions and recommendations on the use of diagnostic data in psychological activities with children and adolescents.
7. To provide psychological assistance, support, psychocorrection and psychotherapy based on the use of psychotraining, gaming, art therapy, body-oriented and other psychotechnologies.
8. To develop, select and implement adequate forms, methods and programs of diagnostic, correctional, psychotherapeutic, training and preventive measures based on modeling methodology for solving theoretical and applied social-psychological problems of childhood and adolescence.
9. To create a design and program of psychological research and experiment in the field of child psychology, theoretical models that allow predicting the properties of the studied objects, using statistical methods in the processing of psychological data.
10. Apply basic general pedagogical methods, psychological and pedagogical technologies of training and development, design educational and training sessions, predict and evaluate pedagogical impacts.
11. Critically evaluate and rethink the experience gained from foreign language information; conduct fundamental and applied scientific research on the profile of training based on the use of domestic and foreign experience, using modern research methods, using modern equipment, equipment, information technology.
12. Master the methods of managing their professional activities and the work of various teams; apply theoretical approaches and methods to practical situations of creating and implementing management decisions, including in non-standard situations.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years