General Information

The department carries out educational activities in the field of " foreign philology : Chinese ", " Orientalism ", " Translation Studies ", the three levels of training : Bachelor , Master and Doctorate.

Highly qualified teaching staff presented graduates Treasury and universities of China , is actively involved in developing and updating RUPov and TUPov in the project " University of the SCO," Preparations for the implementation of bachelor sovmetnoy with Lanzhou University.

In recent years has become the norm passage teachers training and seminars on the use of electronic resources, Web of Knowledge, Elsevier, Springer, participation in international and national scientific and methodological conferences and seminars held within the country and abroad , exchange of experience and good practice in the field of educational activities interactive learning technologies . In the educational process implemented Intranet system , widely used modern educational problem-oriented , project- organized technology , distance learning, which allows students to lifelong learning , who left for an internship abroad. Within the Programme of academic mobility , hundreds of students have been trained in the universities of China , with further perezachetom credits received in Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi ..

Under the program MES 020-111 "Invitation to foreign specialists in Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi "in the 2011-2012 academic year at the invitation of the Department of Sinology known Chinese and Russian scientists Professor Pan Zhiping , Zhao Huasheng , AV Ostrovsky and others held classes with students and undergraduates the department participated in the scientific and methodological seminars, round tables .

Teachers of the department in recent years, wrote and published dozens of books and manuals, dictionaries. In particular, Aldabek NA, AA Turgenbayev " Қytay mәdenietі Tarihi " Aldabek NA, NA Abdraimova Қytay changed tүrkі halyқtarynyң Madeni baylanystarynyң tarikhy . " , Batpenova ZS " The political system of China , " Abdurakyn N. " Қazіrgі қytay tіlіnің grammatikasy ", " Zhana zaman құytay әdebietі "" Қytay mifterіnің audarmasy "," Kөne қytay Adebietinin hrostamatiyasy " Nursaidov MA, AK Anipina Қytay tіlіndegі antonym sөzder sөzdіgі Akhmetbek G., et al , " Economics zhane mұnay gas salasyndaғy қytaysha - қazaқsha - oryssha , қazaқsha - oryssha - қytaysha terminder sөzdіgі " learning process every year more and more equipped with interactive projectors, interactive and sound boards and etc. With the assistance of our teachers Akhmetbek G. Dosymbekova R., A. Koybakovoy international project carried Hanban ( International Council for Chinese Language ) for writing textbooks for Chinese universities. Over the years , the best teachers became Aldabek NA, KazNU - Akhmetbek G., Faculty of Oriental - Dosymbekova R.

Powered gene . Chinese Consulate in Almaty, Chinese Cultural Centre of the National Bank of Kazakhstan, the Confucius Institute is continually replenishing the book fund of the department. Today the Department of Chinese Studies has considerable resources and facilities for the preparation of competitive specialists .