Discussion on the topic "Is a friendship in the world today?"


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December 5, 2014 teachers of the department of Russian philology, Russian and world literature: prof. Salhanovoy Zh.Kh., Assoc. Sansyzbaevoy SK, Assoc. Ahmetzhanovoj AI The event was held as part of the movement Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi "Aynalaңdy nұrlandyr" - discussion on "Is a friendship in the world today?". The event was attended by students of 2nd year (201, 202 gr.) Faculty of Law.

The discussion began with a brief digression on the initiative of the rector of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi prof. G.M.Mutanova develop movement "Aynalaңdy nұrlandyr", whose goal is to introduce in the educational process at the University of problems of humanism, tolerance, tolerance, spiritual enlightenment and development. In the classroom for discipline "Culture of speech and language communication" teachers of these problems are considered permanent.

Students were divided into 2 teams. Each team has a position she defended during the debate: the thesis of one team was the statement "Friendship in the modern world is possible and necessary!", The second team has adopted the thesis "In today's pragmatic world there is no place of sincere friendship." Students prepare oral public posts, discussion of which resulted in a well-reasoned speech team opponents. Students learned to give arguments and counterarguments in tolerant and sensitive manner.

In a lively, friendly atmosphere, students learn the basics of public speaking, oral public speech, culture polemical speech.