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The technology of sulphur-containing preparations under the programme "Development and approbation of technology for production of new sulphur-containing nanocomposites and preparations" was developed under the leadership of Professor M.M. Burkitbayev, Doctor of Chemical Sciences.
Ideological inspirers and participants of this research, besides Burkitbaev M.M., were such scientists as Bachilova N.V. - technologist "with the big letter", Urakaev F.Kh. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia) and Massalimov I.A. (Bashkir State University, Ufa, Bashkortostan) - "think tanks" of the scientific project. The research produced versatile environmentally friendly sulphur-based preparations that can serve as plant growth regulators, antimicrobial and antifungal agents as well as hydrophobisers for building materials. The research was presented on an impressive scale, not only in scientific laboratories of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University but also in commercial enterprises, scientific institutes and scientific centres of national importance, such as JSC Scientific Centre of anti-infective drugs, CelSIM LLP, Kazakh Research Institute of Farming and Crop Production, ZCAP Amiran LLP and Bakhus Global LLP.
The obtained sulfur-containing product is a potential cheap substitute for some foreign analogues of fertilizers and plant growth regulators, antifungal and antimicrobial agents. Moreover, according to the results obtained, the application of sulphur-containing products increased the yields and germination of wheat and soybean, and harmful microorganisms multiplied to a lesser extent in apple trees and vineyards after their treatment with the sulphur-containing products.
Research on the waters of the Syr Darya River Basin

Young scientists from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, represented by PhD Satybladiev B.S., PhD-Kenes K.M. and PhD Uralbekov B.M., within the framework of the research project "Obsolete and modern pesticides in the Syrdarya River Basin, Kazakhstan: sources, transport and assessment", have been conducting research and monitoring of waters in the Syrdarya Basin. Scientists have succeeded in developing an innovative sampling unit based at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, which has been successfully tested during field expeditions to the Syr Darya River valley, from the border of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Aral Sea. Scientific research in the laboratory is carried out in collaboration with leading scientists from the University of Nebraska (Prof. Daniel Snow).
Within the framework of the ongoing scientific research, social projects are also carried out to involve teachers from local schools to take part in determining Physico-chemical parameters of water and environmental sampling and discuss environmental issues of the region.