The European Level


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The Rector of Al Farabi Kazakh National University, G. Mutanov, and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Croatia to the Republic of Kazakhstan, Refik Šabanović, met to discuss the prospects for cooperation in the framework of the inter-university exchange program.

Al-Farabi KazNU for many years cooperates with two Croatian higher education institutions, namely the Dag Hammarskjöld University (College of International Relations and Diplomacy) and the University of Split within the framework of the European Union Erasmus+ program. «When I first learned about KazNU, I was very impressed by the fact that your university has more than twenty thousand students at sixteen Faculties. This is a European level», – said Refik Šabanović.

The academic mobility program between leading universities in Croatia and Kazakhstan has been in place since 2017. Over the years, three professors, four Master’s students, and four undergraduate students from the Faculties of Physics and Technology, Mechanics and Mathematics, and the Higher School of Economics and Business of KazNU have visited Croatian universities.

«We are interested in ensuring that cooperation between the higher education institutions of our countries contributes to the development of such disciplines as pharmaceuticals and medicine. Relatively recently, five years ago, a Faculty of Medicine was opened at KazNU, but we have already achieved cooperation with China. Now we need to build bridges within these fields with Europe. Especially in areas related to the law», – said G.Mutanov.

The parties have come to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop cooperation in a given direction. The international exchange of experience stimulates the qualitative improvement of education both in Kazakhstan and Croatia.