The report Student's association “M. И.Р НАТО”


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On November, 30th of 2010 year at the faculty of international relations in Resource and Information center on NATO and Student's association “M. И.Р НАТО” under the “Open Day” program of the International relations faculty of al-Farabi Kazakh National University has taken place acquaintance with activity of RIC and associations.

During presentation has been shown the full information about the Center. The president of Student's association “M. И.Р. НАТО” Behzod Ikromov has acquainted the visited pupils of schools and students of 1 course with the work of the Center and its further plans and projects. The presentation was in English. Present students and pupils have expressed a great interest and asked questions. Some students have expressed desire to enter and take active part in actions of student’s association “M. И.Р. НАТО”.