CALL FOR PAPERS Inaugural Canada in Kazakhstan


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CALL FOR PAPERS Inaugural Canada in Kazakhstan Conference “Applying Canadian Models to Kazakhstan”

Dear students, faculty, independent scholarship!

The Embassy of Canada to the Republic of Kazakhstan, in partnership with the Library of the First President of Kazakhstan, is pleased to announce an academic conference on comparative studies applying Canadian governance, economic, and social models to Kazakhstan.

 Students, faculty, and independent scholars are cordially invited to submit papers addressing this topic along the following themes:


  •          Foreign policy and international security
  •          Climate change and energy: international and domestic policies
  •          Managing boom and bust: monetary and fiscal policy of resource-based economies
  •          Sustainable development: harnessing mineral and agricultural wealth
  •          Social diversity as strength: pluralism and multiculturalism
  •          Good governance: development of public service institutions and practices


Guidelines and Criteria

All papers must be submitted in English, and should include a comparative analysis as well as recommendations on how the Canadian model can be applied to Kazakhstan.


Submissions must include the author’s full name, mailing or email address, phone number, and institutional affiliation on the coverage page. In order to facilitate anonymous evaluation, personal information (including name) should not appear elsewhere in the paper.


The Conference Committee will evaluate submissions based on the following criteria:

  •          Quality of research
  •          Originality of ideas
  •          Creativity and merit of the comparative analysis
  •          Relevance and applicability of recommendations for policy, action, or further study

Submission Deadline: August 1, 2016

Conference Date: September 1, 2016

Conference Venue: Library of the First President of Kazakhstan, Astana, Kazakhstan

For all questions: Administrative Building of KazNU, International Cooperation Department, 12 floor, Room 1205 (Tel.: 377-34-46, inner; 1166)