8D05404 Pure and applied mathematics

EP name

8D05404 Pure and applied mathematics

Field of education

Mathematics and statistics

Direction of training

Mathematics and statistics

Group of educational programs

Mathematics and statistics


  • To use innovative pedagogical technologies, methods for teaching mathematical disciplines; develop assessment tools, guidelines, methodological manuals;
  • On the basis of deep system knowledge in the field of model theory, algebra, differential equations, mathematical physics, create forecasting techniques, modeling complex systems;
  • Formulate tasks and hypotheses that create interest in the global scientific community;
  • Conduct research work, solve problems, prove theorems, creating competition to the advanced scientific community
  • Lead (or be in the forefront) of a scientific school in the direction of Algebra. Actively working with leading foreign scientists in this direction.
  • Lead (or be in the forefront) scientific school in the direction of mathematical logic. Actively working with leading foreign scientists in this direction.
  • Lead (or be in the forefront) scientific school in the direction of Differential Equations. Actively working with leading foreign scientists in this direction.
  • Lead (or be in the forefront) scientific school in the direction of Mathematical Physics. Actively working with leading foreign scientists in this direction.

Language of instruction

Kazakh, Russian, English

Credit volume


Awarded academic degree


Learning outcomes

  • Organize and manage scientific conferences. Management of scientific seminars.
  • To conduct expert opinions on scientific works in the following directions: theory of models, algebra, differential equations, mathematical physics. And also to do a review on the work of undergraduates, doctoral candidates, theses and scientific articles.
  • Advise commercial organizations on mathematical modeling of processes and forecasting their behavior.
  • To own and use linguistic and linguistic knowledge for communication and publications in multilingual and multicultural society in the international arenaDesign a process for researching an applied problem using mathematical and statistical methods;

For applicants


Academic activities


Scientific activity


International activity


Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)