SDGs 3. Good health and well-being

"Healthy lifestyle - the beginning of happiness"


A social and educational event "healthy lifestyle - the beginning of happiness" was held in group 3. The purpose of the event is to promote a healthy lifestyle for young people. It was discussed that a healthy lifestyle begins with proper nutrition and cleanliness, sports. The need to avoid bad habits was emphasized. They stressed that everyone should take care of their health, preserve it, strengthen it, know and appreciate health. During the event, a competition of proverbs and sayings about health was organized.  The listeners formulated their point of view that the main way to live a happy life is to lead a healthy lifestyle. The educational hour has become a very important event.


Health and well-being


To ensure a healthy lifestyle and promote the well-being of everyone by 2030 at any age, it is necessary to eliminate the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and tropical diseases that are not given due attention, and to ensure the fight against yellow fever, water and other infectious diseases.
By 2030, the university has also established the elimination of epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and tropical diseases that are not given due attention, and ensuring the fight against yellow fever, aquatic and other infectious diseases. In addition, for prevention purposes, every foreign student who arrives for training is examined at the official clinic of the university. All devices are made in accordance with modern requirements. The examination for Tuberculosis and the output of the result is 15 minutes. All students studying at the university have full conditions for an annual medical examination.


Healthy lifestyle and well-being


An event on the theme "Healthy lifestyle and well-being" was held at the Department of Pre-university Training of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University for students from abroad. The main issues addressed at this event are healthy eating, exercising, avoiding bad habits that can harm health, etc.

A healthy lifestyle is an individual system of human behavior that provides him with physical, mental and social well—being in a real environment (natural, man-made and social) and active longevity.

A healthy lifestyle creates the best conditions for the normal course of physiological and mental processes, which reduces the likelihood of various diseases and increases human life expectancy.


Autumn Sports Contest


For the purpose of sustainable development of the country - good health and well-being, wrestling championships were held from November 18 to 25, 2022 as part of the autumn Sports contest among students of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Zhandos Berdimurat, a student of the 1st group of the Faculty of Pre-university Education, Department of Pre-university Training, took part in the championship.