Pre-university training



name of the curriculum 


  1. Curriculum for educational training for the foreign kazakh diaspora, listeners of requiring payment separation
  2. Training plan for language and educational training for foreign listeners – citizens ira (master's program)

Field of education


1. Preparatory course for listeners of the Kazakh diaspora (in the subjects reading literacy, mathematics, mathematical literacy, history of Kazakhstan, biology, geography, Kazakh literature, chemistry, world history, physics, English)

2. Preparatory course for listeners of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (in subjects reading literacy (Kazakh language), mathematics, Russian, history of Kazakhstan, English)


Direction of training


five specialized disciplines in the chosen direction of training (specialty);

competitive advantage when applying for budget places


Group of educational programs


Listeners from the IRA, listeners of the Kazakh diaspora 




Establishing the quality of training students

preparation of foreign students in the Kazakh language as a means for obtaining a specialty and in general education subjects for the successful continuation of studies at faculties and universities



Language of instruction




Loan volume



Awarded academic degree


certificate of completion of preparatory courses 


Learning outcomes


Admission to the University

For applicants




Further in each OP there should be the following tabs:


Academic activities - the department of pre-university training was developed and carried out UMKD in the following subjects: reading literacy, mathematical literacy, history of Kazakhstan, mathematics, biology, geography, Kazakh literature, chemistry, general history, physics, Russian language, English, Kazakh language, Kazakh literature, Russian language.

Seminars were held. Published textbooks and study guides recommended by RISO in order to help students master the basic theoretical knowledge.


Scientific activity

Publishing activity - For 2021, the staff and teaching staff of the department published scientific publications: monographs, scientific articles published in high-rating foreign peer-reviewed editions Scopus, and in other international editions, in journals recommended by the KKSON and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan


International activities - Employees and faculty of the department have the opportunity to publish their articles in scientific publications - Turkey, Mogolia, Uzbekistan, In China, "Journal of Turki Alemi"


Quality assurance (Accreditation, rating, work with employers)