Tymbolova A.O.

Title year of publishing  PDF electronic version 

СКОПУС.  Cognitive linguistic analyses of the phraseological units in modern linguistics  

2020 XLinguae2_2020_18.pdf
2 Article: President's discourse. Features of the President's oratory discourse 2020 Вестник макала КазНУ.pdf
Article: National code in linguistic consciousness
2020  Айкап. Статья Тымболовой.pdf
 4  Article: The life of a famous scientist
17 November
Р.Амир 1-макала Ғалымның ғибрат.pdf
Article: Study of the features of dramatic texts
17 November
Р.Амир 2-макала Драмалық мәтін.pdf
 6  Article: Outstanding scientist 90 years old
13  October
Казак унив. газеті.pdf