An open educational hour: "A Healthy lifestyle - the guarantee of health"


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In honor of World Health Day, an open educational hour was held at the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development. 7 April 2021 at 16:00 h. on the platform ZOOM was held an open educational hour on the topic "Healthy lifestyle - the guarantee of health" among the students of 1 course of the specialty "Ecology and environmental management" "7M05209" and 3rd year students of the specialty "Ecology".

The purpose of educational hour: Education of students of a healthy lifestyle, promotion of a healthy lifestyle with a call for personal hygiene, proper nutrition, physical education and sports, proper organization of the daily routine, protection from bad habits, awareness of such negative phenomena of society as alcohol, tobacco, drugs.

The organizer of the educational hour was Aben Ayazhan, a 1st year master's student of the specialty "Geoecology and Environmental Management".

The educational hour is organized under the guidance of Сandidate of Technical Sciences, senior lecturer Kurabanova L.S. and PhD, senior teacher Rysmagambetova A.A.
