The action «All-Kazakhstan tree planting»


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The Republican State Institution «Ile-Alatau State National Natural Park» as a specially protected natural area, within the international environmental conservation action «March of Parks-2019» on April 20, 2019 held an action «All-Kazakhstan planting trees». The purpose of this action was to attract environmental and forestry institutions, non-governmental organizations and youth associations to this action. In accordance with the program of this action, 2,000 pieces of a 4-year-old Shrenk's Christmas tree and 300 pieces of deciduous saplings were planted in the territory of the Medeu branch, Kamensky forestry, Butakovsky gorge. The opening of the action began at 10:00. Then at 11:00, tree saplings were planted. The first year students of the specialty «Ecology» of the UNESCO Department for Sustainable Development together with the curator-adviser Baiseitov Dauren took an active part in environmental protection, planted tree saplings. After planting was completed, a picnic was organized. Then the organizers of the action summed up the results of the action and presented the certificates to the participants of the event. With this action, students of the department expressed gratitude for the great contribution to nature conservation.