Professional training of the faculty staff as part of the IAEA KAZ5004 project


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Acting professor of the Department of Biotechnology of al-Frabi KazNU Ph.D., associate professor Turasheva Svetlana Kazbekovna is improving her qualification in the John Innes Center (United Kingdom) in the department of Metabolic Biology from 03.30.2019-08.01.2019. The John Innes Center (Norwich Research Park, Norwich) is one of the largest centers in the UK and is among the top ten international research centers. The research work at the John Innes Center is carried out as part of the KAZ5004 "Developing Drought Tolerant and Disease Resistant Wheat Varieties for Nutritional Content Using Mutation Breeding" project with the financial support of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA, national coordinator, Professor Kenzhebayeva S.S.)