Science SLAM: popularize science!


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Scientific battles Science SLAM were held on April 24, 2018 at the Faculty of Journalism. For the first time, young scientists and senior students presented projects that were related to research in various fields of science, in a new format for themselves.

Main feature of scientific battles in the world is a free form of speech. Organizers do not limit scientists in the presentation of their information: they can transfer scientific idea using dance, rap or public experiment. For presentation, students use diagrams, drawings, multimedia. Main feature of project - the presentation should be easy and interesting.

Slamers of the first battle at the journalism faculty at the moment have remained within the framework of the traditional presentation of information. But their performances showed braveness of scientific thought, readiness to experiment and the passion to share knowledge.

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Medeu Abishev is now working on medical physics. He spoke about nuclear medicine, which is used in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiological and oncological diseases.

Within the framework of the scientific project, the undergraduate student of the faculty of chemistry and chemical technologies Meruert Madikasimova is engaged, under the guidance of experienced scientists, in the study of mechanochemical synthesis of copper sulfide and sulfur nanopowder. The audience learned about the results of the experiments that Meruert conducted and the ways of further application of the substances obtained.

Project of the future journalist Dana Maratova - creation of a website devoted to Temirbek Kozhakeev. Gaukhar Dzhakupbaeva shared her research in the field of "immersive" journalism or journalism with the effect of presence - a new format for submitting information using 3D technologies: the user becomes a virtual participant in events, part of "history." Faisal Gulzat from Afghanistan introduced the biographies of four well-known scientific journalists - popularizers of the science – Karl Zimmer, Robert Lee Hotz, Paula Apsell and David Baron. Akzharkyn Kydyrkhanova reviewed the problems of young scientists in Kazakhstan.

At the end of the event, the participants said: "Science SLAM helps to spread scientific thought, introduce to unprepared audience scientific ideas, teaches slamers to speak about tough ideas in simple way. This way of scientific communication is effective for the popularization of science, so project must develop. "

The organizers of the first scientific battles – graduate students of the first year of the Faculty of Journalism under the guidance of the Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Press and Electronic Media Mussinova Assel Akhmetovna - plan to make Science SLAM an annual event.


Assel  Mussinova
Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Press and Electronic Media