Knight Center director lectures in Kazakhstan


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Knight Center director Eric Freedman just completed two weeks as a guest lecturer at al-Farabi Kazakh National University in Almaty, the largest city in the Central Asian country.

In addition, he worked with graduate students on their research projects, including Sayagul Alimbekova, who spent two months last fall at MSU’s School of Journalism as a visiting scholar, working on her dissertation research and attending journalism classes.

Freedman delivered a series of lectures to journalism students and faculty on environmental journalism; coverage of terrorism; information communication technology; “war” journalism vs. “peace” journalism; reporting on human rights, natural disasters and nongovernmental organizations; investigative projects; and international press rights. He also gave a public lecture on race and the U.S. presidents from George Washington to Donald Trump.

Plans are underway for several joint research projects.

The program was arranged by Professor Karlyga Myssayeva, the vice-dean of the Faculty of Journalism.

This entry was posted in Uncategorized on April 3, 2018 by barbmi