International Laboratory "Geoarchaeology"





Bekseitov Galymzhan Tukumbaevich - Director of the International Scientific and Research Laboratory "Geoarcheology", Ph.D., associate professor of Al-Farabi KazNU


Address: Prospect Al-Farabi 71, 

Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology, 4-3  



phone: +7 (727) 221 12 85 (internal 12-85)



The main goal is the effectiveness of interdisciplinary research, the involvement of natural scientists (physicists, chemists, geomorphologists, biologists, etc.) in field and cameral research with the whole arsenal of their methods and means. When using each of the selected methods, traditional research methods are adapted to the problems of archeology and to the conditions of their application on specific monuments. The effectiveness of the methodical complex is largely determined by the correctness of articulating the task of archaeological research and the physico-geological parameters of the cultural layer of the monument. The accumulated experience in the practice of domestic and foreign researchers makes it possible to talk about the prospects of an integrated approach. Integration of methods of natural sciences with archeology is traditionally carried out in five main directions, within the framework of which natural scientists together with archeologists develop methods, techniques and technologies for field archaeological research, reconstruction of ancient manufactures, absolute chronology, restoration of paleolandscape and mathematical methods in all parts of scientific research archaeologist. In particular, natural scientific methods in field archeology allow solving important scientific and practical problems - search, exploration and study of archaeological monuments in the field.


In accordance with the tasks set at the expanded meeting of the Interdepartmental Working Group on the Study of the National History of Kazakhstan, conducted under the leadership of the Secretary of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan M.M.Tazhin, the need for in-depth and comprehensive study of the urgent problems of national history, improvement of the methodology for teaching Russian history at the universities of the Republic Kazakhstan, as well as the preparation of textbooks of a new generation in the history of the Fatherland for university students s. To accomplish the above tasks, leading scientists were sent to collect material on poorly studied problems of the history of Kazakhstan in the central archives and libraries of near and far abroad. To realize the tasks set, it is necessary to create new research centers, laboratories for determining archaeological dating of artifacts, etc., which should operate under the guidance of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Culture and Information. One of the leading scientific centers should be the international laboratory "Geoarchaeology", created in KazNU. al-Farabi for carrying out applied, natural-scientific research, where actual problems of the ancient population of Kazakhstan and Central Asia are studied. It should be noted here that the archaeologists of the university have long-standing relations with leading scientific institutions, laboratories of the far and near abroad and until today all necessary analyzes and dating of archeological artifacts were performed on their equipment and instruments on the basis of agreements.


The structure of the laboratory "Geoarcheology" and the involvement of specialists in related specialties from near and far abroad

Paleoanthropology, geoarchaeologists, physicists, geomorphologists, geneticists, geographers;


Kazakhstan - scientific institutions:

  • Institute of Geological Sciences. K.I. Satpayev;
  • Institute of Archeology. OH. Margulan;
  • Faculty of KazNU. al-Farabi: History, archeology and ethnology; Chemistry and chemical technology; Physico-technical; Geography and nature management; The Paleolithic Museum.


Conference of the international scientific-research laboratory "Geoarchaeology":