Chair of Political Science and Political Technologies

aculty address: Masanchi 39/47, LC 4, 404 room.

Phone deanery: 8(727) 377-33-33 (1755)


Nassimova Gulnar Orlenbayevna - Head of the Chair of Political Science and Political Technologies, Ph.D of Political Sciences, Professor

8(727) 377-33-33 (1755)




Halykova Shakhnaza Bakhitzhanovna - Deputy Head of the Chair of Political Science and Political Technologies on educational and methodical work, Senior Lecturer

8(727) 377-33-33 (1755)






Abzhapparova Aigul Abdumutalipovna - Deputy Head of the Chair of Political Science and Political Technologies on scientific innovation work and international relations, PhD, Senior Lecturer

8(727) 377-33-33 (1755)



List of the directions of preparation of the Department of political science

Code of specialty


Duration of study

The degree

Bachelor’s degree 


Political Science


Bachelor Social knowledge on an academic program 6B03106 - Political Science

Master’s degree 


Political Science


Master of Social Sciences on an academic program 7M03110 - Political Science




Master of Social Sciences on an academic program 7M03108 - Conflictology


Public Administration and Public Security


Master of Social Sciences on an academic program 7M03107 - Public Administration and Public Security

Doctor's degree 


Political Science


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on an academic program 8D03104 - Political Science




Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on an academic program 8D03103 - Conflictology


Courses of 2020-2021 academic year

Bachelor degree:

Political systems and regimes

Political Cratology

Theory of International Relations (in English)

Political Modernization

World Politics

Political Culture and Ideologies

Research Methods in Political Science

World Politics

Political communication

Political Sociology

Political Conflict Studies

Political parties and political party systems

Foreign policy and National security of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Political Management

Theory of International Relations

Scientific writing (eng)

Comparative Political Research

Applied Political Science

The Institutions of Civil Society in Kazakhstan

National interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Political imageology

Theory and Practice of Democracy

Political parties and political party systems

Foreign policy and National security of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Political-diplomatic activity of Kazakhstan in the world community

Political Technologies for Countering Terrorism and Extremism

Political Management


Master degree:

7M03110 Political Science 

Public Policy

Organization and planning of scientific research

War and Peace in the History of Civilization

Modern International Relations and Global Development

Public Administration

East in World Politics

The USA and European Union in World Politics

Central Asia in the world politics

International Conflicts and Experience of Their Regulating

Integration Processes in the Modern World

Political Legitimacy: Practice and Historical Forms


7M03108 Conflict Studies 

Theories and methods of conflict research

Conflict resolution: strategies and methods

History of Conflict Studies

Organization and planning of scientific research

Expertise and forecasting in conflictology

Conflicts in the system of power and society

Labor disputes and conflicts

Conflict and gender

Nature, resources, conflict

Mediation in conflict resolution

Culture of peace, tolerance and interethnic relations


7M03107 Public Administration and Public Security 

Public Administration

Organization and planning of scientific research

Regional and municipal management

Technology management in the public service

Strategic management of economic and political processes

Management of state programs

Public Policy

History and theory of political management

Anticrisis Management

Public Security

Modern consulting in politics



8D03104 - Political Science

Applied modeling of political processes and situations

Methodology of modern political studies

Expert methods in political research

Political transitology

Academic Writing

Methods of scientific research


8D03103 - Conflict Studies

Modern theory of conflict management

Conflicts in public administration

Conflictological analysis and expertise

Civil society in conflict resolution

Academic Writing

Methods of scientific research