Ainalandy nurlandyr

Educational event within the framework of the project "Ainalahdy Nurlandyr". Meeting with the President of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, famous psychologist V. Kozlov.

There were teachers, undergraduates, students of the OPS of KazNU and other universities in Almaty.

The purpose of the educational event: familiarity with a well-known Russian psychologist, familiarization with the main trends in the development of Russian psychology.

1). The presentation of the psychological center "SENIM"

2) Presentation of the doctor of psychological sciences, Professor VV Kozlov, who spoke about the main trends and problems of the development of modern Russian psychology.

Organizers: prof. O. Kh. Aymaganbetova, teacher E.T. Adilovа.


Publication date :  12/14/2017