Educational event «Developing auditory skills, second part»

23rd of November, 2017, the educational event «Developing auditory skills, second part» within the framework of «Ainalandy nurlandyr» project, «Psychology of couching» course and pedagogy practice was conducted.

Date and place: at 1 p.m., 23rd of November, 2017; FPF, 314 classroom.

Organizers of the event: candidate of psychological sciences, associated professor, M.V. Mun, 2nd course PhD student A.R. Rizulla.

Participants: 3rd course bachelor students, specialization – «Psychology».

Methodical support: presentations, audio materials, assessment tools (questionnaires).

The aim of an event was to develop skills in stress releasement, emotions recognition, and clients’ psychological state diagnosing.

The training began with meditative technique with the goal of tension releasement and focusing on the inner psychological state. Students perfectly coped with this task and completely immersed in relaxation!

The next step were Lusher's color test and a projective test on cards in order to diagnose the psychological state of the client.

In the next place was the analysis and discussion of psychological techniques, the possibility of their application.

Students actively participated, inclusive creative atmosphere flowed in the classroom.

Publication date :  12/11/2017