"Station Organic" faculty event competition of "Zhenіske kaldy bir kadam" ("One step closer to victory")

April 9, 2015 on the territory of the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a marathon-running competition on speed, agility, intelligence and intellect "Zhenіske қaldy қadam bir", which was attended by students of the second and third year students of the Kazakh branch with the aim to involve students in the sport, test and develop intellectual abilities, nurture strength of spirit and consolidate the unity of the team and the will to win. The event was held in the framework of "Aynalandy nurlandyr", "cult of healthy body" and organized by the department of physical chemistry, catalysis and petrochemistry, as well as the participation of the department of chemistry and technology of organic matters, natural compounds and polymers.

In the lobby of the department of chemistry and technology of organic matters, natural compounds and polymers, it was organized the destination "Station Organic" for the participants of the marathon by senior lecturers Iminova RS and Kayralapova GJ . The station consisted of: 1) meeting each team; 2) check the collected parts of the "sesame" with other items; 3) The unanimous report of team name, slogan, the full name of the department; 4) answers to vidie- and on the logic questions, solution of organic chains; 5) presentation of one of the pieces of "sesame" and sending the next regular destination.

Publication date :  5/11/2015