Coronavirus infection, preventive measures

On May 6, 2021, teachers, undergraduates and students of the Faculty of chemistry and Chemical Technology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held an educational event on the topic "coronavirus infection, prevention measures" in an online format.  The event was attended by teachers and students of the faculties of Economics and business, biology and biotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The event was organized by the Asfendiyarov Kazakh National University named after S. Asfendiyarov. Associate professor of the Department of children's infectious diseases of the Kazakh National Medical University, candidate of Medical Sciences. Omesheva Kumiskul Abdillakyzy and interns of the 6th year of the Faculty of General Medicine in the direction of general practitioners were invited. Doctors invited to the evening gave a comprehensive, slide-based lecture on "coronavirus infection, prevention measures". The audience asked their questions.  

On behalf of the faculty staff, they expressed their written gratitude.


Publication date :  5/25/2021