Al-Farabi KazNU will host an international scientific conference "The study of world history in the context of the actual problems of our time."


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The Department of World History, Historiography, and Source Studies within the Faculty of History, Archeology, and Ethnology at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University will host an international scientific conference "The study of world history in the context of the actual problems of our time."

Date: November 19-20, 2015, 10:00 am.

Venue: Almaty, 71 al-Farabi Avenue. GUK-3, 4th floor. Faculty of History, Archeology, and Ethnology. Departmental conference hall.

The conference will consider the following issues:

1. Investigation of the historical origins of Eurasianism in the context of the urgent problems of our time, in accordance with the new methodological approaches to historical science.

2. Turkic world (Cultural and humanitarian integration in Middle Ages, modern and contemporary times).

3. The international community and Kazakhstan in the conditions of modern globalization and integration.

In order to participate in the conference, kindly submit an application and article abstract to: : Almaty, 71 al-Farabi Avenue. GUK-3, 4th floor. Faculty of History, Archeology, and Ethnology. Department of World History, Historiography, and Source Studies. Office 415, 421 by November 5, 2015.

Application form for participation in the conference:

Full name;

Degree, position;

Country, region, city;

Organization, university;

Paper topic;

Contact information (telephone number and email address).

Organizational committee contact: Аkynova A.P. - (8727) 3773340, ext.1284, 1289. E-mail:;

Conference languages: Kazakh, Russian, German, English

Paper format:

In order for your paper to be published, please submit the text in the following format to the organizational committee by November 5, 2015: Times New Roman or Times New Roman KZ, size 14, single-spaced. Top and bottom margins: 2 cm; Left and right margins: 1 cm. Author’s full name and paper title in lower-case letters in bold in the upper righthand corner with country and city in parentheses; degree, academic rank, position, place of work. The text should be edited academically, stylistically, and technically. Indentation on the fourth character (0.8 cm tabulation).

Article length: up to 6 pages. Ideally, the last page should be complete. Together with the hard copy, please submit an electronic version with the author’s last name in the file name.

The conference materials will be published in a separate collection, for which we will collect a fee.

The organizational committee reserves the right to reject applications submitted after the deadline, deemed irrelevant to the topic or academic level of the conference, or not conforming to the requirements outlined above.