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On February 23, 2022, at 10:00 am, KazNU named after Al-Farabi will host the International Scientific and Practical Conference “New Opportunities for Pedagogical Science in Kazakhstan: Priorities in Upbringing and Education”, dedicated to the 112th anniversary of Academician T. Tazhibaev.

Tazhibaev Tolegen (1910-1964) - the first Kazakh scientist-psychologist, public and statesman, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. Born in the Syrdarya province (now the South Kazakhstan region).

Tolegen Tazhibaev was engaged in research work, as well as state and pedagogical activities. In his articles published in 1940 in the journal "People's Teacher", he actualized the issues of psychology for that time, considered the ways of the formation of the history of classical psychology. In 1961 he published the first textbook "General Psychology". Tolegen Tazhibaev made a significant contribution to the formation of the terms of psychological science in the Kazakh language.

T. Tazhibaev, being a great scientist, with his continuous work and boundless love for the Motherland, stood at the origins of the formation of historical, pedagogical and psychological science in Kazakhstan, and became the basis for the coverage of education and culture.

The conference received 70 articles from scientists, teachers and teachers of schools in Kazakhstan, Russia and other countries. They will take part in the conference in a mixed format online and offline.


Articles are formed within the 5th section:

1. Education, science and spirituality in the context of globalization
2. Modern school-teacher-innovation
3. Pedagogical activity and scientific heritage of T. T. Tazhibaeva
4. Kazakhstani patriotism: problems of formation of value orientations of youth
5. Round table dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor Bashirova Zhamal Rakhimovna on the topic: "Educational activities of Zh. R. Bashirova: continuity, educational approaches, pedagogical ideas"


All articles submitted to the conference are 300 pages, the collection will be prepared and distributed in electronic form.


Organizers: Department of Pedagogy and Education Management of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Venue: Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, room 120


Platform: Zoom

Link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2170197677?pwd=RlhNb1htSnVQbmFJOGxScEw5bjlCdz09


Conference ID: 217 019 7677

Code: jQs2sg