Meeting with representatives of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs


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Dear students of al-Farabi Kazakh National University!

We invite you to the motivational training “Meeting with representatives of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs”, which will be held on September 11, 2019 at 10.00 at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics in the big hall named after U.A. Zholdasbekova. The meeting will be attended by representatives of entrepreneurs, bloggers Gani Adagan, Yerzhan Rashev, Larion Liang and representatives of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs «Atameken».

During the meeting, scheduled interviews and speeches on the topics:

founder of the «IC-Group» holding Larion Liang: How to find your niche and start your own business”

Bolger Yerzhan Rashev: “Everyone can become a media”

business coach Ghani Abadan: “Business for love”.