
Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:

State and Local Government


High School of Economics and Business

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Master of Economic Sciences
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
ON1 Preparation of research results using their knowledge in setting the goals of research and solving design problems, analysis of modern theories, concepts and models in the field of public and local government;
ON2 Develop educational and methodical complex of disciplines in accordance with the requirements of the University, conduct classes and research.
ON3 Develop a strategy of human resources management of the organization and design organizational structures of state and local government;
ON4 Develop alternative management solutions in the field of economic security of the country and regions on the basis of analysis and evaluation of criteria and indicators of economic security threats;
ON5 Make tasks of strategic management in the interests of society and the state, including the setting of socially significant goals, the formation of conditions for their achievement, the organization of work to obtain the maximum possible results;
ON6 Organize the implementation of the decisions of the President, the Government and higher state bodies, establish accounting and verification of the implementation of these decisions, ensure control over the progress of their implementation; seek ways to reconcile different interests;
ON7 Implement the main directions of the state administrative policy and solve the problems of social policy, determine the causes and prevent social conflicts;
ON8 Make a plan of organizational and economic activities of enterprises and organizations in the field of housing and communal services, taking into account the specifics of the implementation of state programs;
ON9 Make reports on the basis of monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of the achievement and implementation of strategic goals, objectives in the system of strategic planning and results-based budgeting;
ON10 Develop corporate strategy, programs of organizational development and changes, ensure their implementation;
ON11 Develop regulatory documents defining procedures, hierarchy, subordination and interaction in public authorities and proposals for the introduction of innovative approaches and solutions aimed at improving the efficiency of activities;
ON12 Have the ability to adapt quickly and adapt to new conditions, to continuous education in order to acquire new knowledge, to be ready to transfer existing knowledge, skills, abilities and skills to new objects of activity, to be able to realize the need for the formation of new competencies.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years