PhD courses

Speciality Code:


Speciality Name:



Chemistry and Chemical Technology

  • Scientific and pedagogical direction - Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
  • Model of graduating student
  • Mandatory disciplines
  • Elective disciplines
  • Professional
LO1 – to demonstrate the presence of systematic fundamental scientific knowledge, reflecting the current state of the relevant branch of chemical science or the field of professional activity;
LO2 – to generate new knowledge by conducting original scientific research in the field of theoretical chemistry at a high scientific level, which meets the requirements of international expertise, and the results of scientific research obtained make a significant contribution to the development of chemistry and deserve publication in high-ranking international scientific journals;
LO3 – to conceptualize problems, objects and objects of research with further formulation of goals for establishing links between them and solving unforeseen problem situations that arise;
LO4 – to manage projects that contribute to the creation and production of new knowledge or practical applications in the most relevant areas of the relevant scientific branch of chemical science;
LO5 – to structure knowledge at the junction of various branches of science for the interpretation of scientific results obtained by various modern methods;
LO6 – to formulate competent conclusions and qualified recommendations on complex problems in special areas of chemistry;
LO7 – to build a strategy and tactics for self-learning, making key decisions in case of occurrence of problem tasks in the course of professional activity in the field of fundamental and applied chemistry;
LO8 – to work in a professional team, incl. interdisciplinary, showing readiness for formal and informal leadership in a team, accepting social and ethical obligations necessary for the most effective solution of problems and problems.
LO9 – to demonstrate a deep and detailed understanding of the methods and methodologies used for scientific research and research in the field of fundamental chemistry;
LO10 - to demonstrate a wide range of knowledge and skills in the field of the most informative methods for the study of chemical processes and the physicochemical properties of substances and materials, the ability to choose the most optimal methods for their use;
LO11 – fluently own information technology and computer skills at the advanced user level for solving computational problems, obtaining and maintaining information in the field of chemistry and related branches of science;
LO12 – to possess a complex of personal qualities, fundamental knowledge and system skills that ensure creative thinking and high competitiveness in the global labor market, including in employment in specific areas.
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years
  Data for 2021-2024 years