Academic Exchange Programs

Under the program of an educational exchange between universities dean professor A.T.Kulsarieva (and Kobekova B.K.) have visited:

1. From July, 1 till July, 11th, 2010 went in the USA: Texas А&М university, the Californian university of Santa Barbara.

2. From November, 8 till November, 11th participated in work of VI international forum «Dialogue of languages and cultures of the CIS and ШОС in ХХІ a century», of Baku, Azerbaijan.

3. From November, 20 till November, 26th 2010 foreign business trip to Japan: Universities Sofia of Tokyo, university Doshisha, of Kyoto, university of Kyoto of Kyoto, University of Tokyo, the higher school sociology, college of international relations.

Within the limits of joint exchange and educational projects at faculty of philosophy and political science Treasury (faculty of cultural anthropology) on February, 24th 2010.

There has passed a meeting with professor Razlogovym K.E. – director of college of cultural science and искусствознания the Ministries of Education of the Russian Federation together with college of cultural policy and cities Almaty.