Department of physical chemistry, catalysis and petrochemistry

The department of physical chemistry, catalysis and petrochemistry is located on the third and fourth floors, in the left wing housing of the faculty of chemistry and chemical technology.

Telephone: 222-15-17, 222-15-18 

The strategic goal of the department is to ensure the high quality of educational services based on the creation of an effective management system, the introduction of innovative educational technologies, the strengthening of close scientific and educational-industrial ties, the constant improvement of scientific and pedagogical qualifications of teaching staff, the development and strengthening of the material and technical base.

The tasks of the department are aimed at training highly qualified specialists in the field of chemical engineering, physical chemistry, catalysis and petrochemistry, who are able to independently set goals and formulate tasks related to the implementation of professional competencies, plan and organize technological processes of chemical and petrochemical industries, optimize the conditions and mode of operation of technological equipment, conduct scientific research in the field of physical chemistry, chemical technology, petrochemistry and oil refining, analyze the results obtained, possess up-to-date information in the field of innovative technologies.



Leaders of the Department

Head of the department - Aubakirov Yermek Aitkazynovich, doctor of chemical sciences, professor.

423 office

Tel.: 222 - 15 -17


Deputy head of the department for teaching, methodological and educational work - Vassilina Gulzira Kazhmuratovna, candidate of chemical sciences, Senior lecturer

110 office

Tel.: 222 - 15 -18

Mobile tel: 8 (775) 911 98 00




Deputy head of the department for research and innovation and international relations - Bakirova Botagoz Sanatkyzy, PhD, Senior lecturer.

110 office

Tel.: 222 - 15 -18

Mobile tel: 8 (747) 793 10 43  
