General Information

Educational work of the Department "Information Systems"

Along with the preparation of highly educated professionals, and faculty engaged in educating the younger generation, spiritually rich and loving fatherland, native land and people. Educational work among students is conducted in different directions. In our work we are guided by "comprehensive program of education in educational institutions of Kazakhstan and other documents of the Ministry of Education and Science, guidance documents on behalf of the Kazakh National Al-Farabi.

Educational system of the department created in the education space, the university with immediate motivation of students, can lead to maximum results of educational work, the objectives of all participants in the educational process.

At the heart of education - a behavioral approach, which essentially consists in the recognition that the current needs of the person to encourage reasoned action. Motivation-motivation to work process to achieve goals.

The aim of the behavioral approach to parenting is to assist the student in recognition of its capabilities, the development of creative abilities through the application of management methods, concepts of behavioral sciences.

Practical purpose of education is reduced to the formation of life personality, ability to respond adequately, to adapt quickly to changing conditions, management decisions, which has active, purposeful and enterprising.

The teaching staff of the department is working to solve the problem of "spiritual and moral development of the student, the formation of her cognitive and creative activity for self-realization in various spheres of activity." The department employs 22 supervisors, advisors. Educational work in the department is part of one of the educational process.

Objectives of education and the problem of educational work carried out in the educational process, the supervisory hours and in leisure time.

1. Formation modern scientific outlook, and learning basic values:

* Creating the conditions for recognizing and assigning individual essence and significance of civil and patriotic values.
*Formation of basic knowledge in systems man-man, man-society, human-machinery, man and nature.
* Formation and development of spiritual and moral values.

*Formation of legal knowledge.

* Formation of the aesthetic and ethical knowledge and values.
*Formation of the students' attitude of tolerance and countering extremism.
*Formation of the students need to work as the first necessities of life, the highest value and the main way to achieve success in life.

2. Spiritual and moral education:

*Formation and development of spiritual and moral knowledge and values.
* Implementation of knowledge related to standards of morality and ethics in educational, industrial and social activities.
*Formation of the students' awareness of reproductive and plants to create a family as the basis for the revival of traditional national and moral values.

3. Patriotic education:

* Improving the social status of the patriotic education of students.
* Implementation of evidence-based organizational policy for patriotic education.
* Improved content, methods and technologies of patriotic education in the university on the basis of actual interaction of educational institutions.

4. Formation of health-saving the environment and a healthy lifestyle:
* Company wide promoting physical culture and sports, healthy lifestyle, holding various interfaculty competitions.
* Promotion of healthy lifestyles, prevention and control of alcoholism, smoking, drug addiction, "bad" habits.

5. Formation of competitive qualities:
* Increased self-motivation of students.
*Formation of the orientation of success, leadership and career behavior.
*Formation as a socially-active personality.
* Skills of self-presentation, reasoning, decision making, social organization and personally meaningful cases.

Educational work is carried out in the hostel number 14, where there are students of our department. Student Council has hostel is the initiator of the organization of sports competitions among the people living there, discos for holiday dates. Annually held in the dormitory, "Autumn Ball", consisting of teams representing each floor (in the program: the contest of wall newspapers, concert rooms, KVN, autumn fashion). Annually, the University Administration is conducting seminars and trainings on work of curators - advisors. At scheduled meetings of the curators are encouraged to talk about students' readiness to surrender and the results of examinations, assisting lagging students in the elimination of arrears of subjects.
On the specialty, there are several teams KVN. At interfaculty KVN competitions on the Cup team rector of the faculty with members of our profession took 1 st place prize (2010). And across the university there is a unique women's team of KVN "Hairpin", whose members are female students majoring in Information Systems. (All participants - our students?)
As part of the educational work carried out cultural events (concerts, meetings). Students and teachers of the department participated in the celebration of 75 anniversary of the university, the 65 th anniversary of Victory Day, the dedication of students and others of Mechanics and Mathematics has its own assembly hall, where all faculty cultural and festive events. At the university level in our department conducted the following activities:

- Meeting of c-known writer, playwright Sultanali Balgabaev .The organization of the concert's Day Math .

- Meeting with representatives of the Embassy, ​​"Cooperation of Germany and Kazakhstan in the field of science and education" .

- A gala evening " independence of the country - the achievement of our people”. PPP faculty and students are actively involved in various activities and competitions.

- Meeting with the poet Hakim Bulibekov "Even in Antarctica have spring", dedicated to the World Poetry Day.

- Poetry contest among students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics .
- Meeting with the poet playwright, winner of "Platinum Tarlan" I. Saparbay .

- Arrangement of celebrations Nauryz .

- Competition decoration of yurt faculty was awarded an honorary one place .

- Meeting WWII veteransdevoted to the Day defending the fatherland.

- Meeting with the poet Mukhtar Shakhanov "Ozge tildin barin bil-oz tilindi kurmette" .

- Meeting 1st year students with Professor NT Danaev to attract students to acquire knowledge and their participation in science.


- Curators-Advisors to discuss in curatorial groups about message from the President of the KZ;

- Student participation in the contest "Ana tili-aruy", "Zhіgіt sұltany" and festival which devoted to Day of the first president "Men zhastarga senemіn";

- Participation of students in the citywide cleanup;

- Duty in the dormitory and visiting students who live in the dormitory, organization of event in the dormitory;

Students of specialty "Information Systems" actively participate in competitions and activities of the university:

- Interfaculty contest of military-patriotic songs - the first place;

- The contest "Ana tili aruy 2009" - the first place;

- "Student Spring - 2010" in the category "choir" - the second place.

With students and curators-advisors carried out various kinds of activities:

- In the project "100 products" in groups of students carried out discussions about works of famous poets and writers;

- In the project "KazNU Green Campus" landscaping the 5th floor of the housing of faculty.

Participation of teachers of department in the contests of faculty:

- "The best curator-adviser" (A. Beketova took 1st place);

- "Ekі zhuldyz" (Myrzahmetov A. 2 nd place).

Round tables on the following topics: "Corruption is the eyes of students," "King of the Kazakh waltz - Shamshi", "Is youth entrepreneurship", "Zandardyn zany - Ata Zan", "Language - mortgage of friendship”, “the role of the family and society in the education of students" etc.

As well as the faculty, activities include: complimentary concert "dear, dear, mother!" On the International Women's Day - 8 March, the contest "Miss and Mister Mech-Mat," a concert dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan.

Of the teaching staff of the Department "Information Systems" conduct educational work and in the dormitory number 8 where our specialty students live. In the dormitory number 8 competition «The best», devoted to the International Student’s Day. During the academic year, often held "Open Day of the chair” in the dormitory ,where teachers of the chair introduce students with information about the history of the University of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty , about specialty "Information Systems" and existing specializations, about the plans and work and part of the chair, about existing circles. During the meeting they discussed about credit education technology , academic policy of the university, public student associations about circles and sport sections in the palace of students and sport complex , critical issues of employment and obtaining qualification student-graduate.

An important direction of the educational work of the department is promoting a healthy lifestyle among students. In university Action "Youth against drugs" in the last two years the Department had carried out awareness-raising work with students and faculty at public events. Every year, from 1 to 30 November, the department carried out (in 2009) the traditional month-long fight against smoking among girls, entitled "Why you boys like to smoke?".

Student groups with the curators - Adviser visited the skating rink Medeo Issyk Gorge, hiking in the gorge of the Alma-Arasan.

One of the directions promoting healthy lifestyles is prevention.

To the World AIDS Day and prophylaxis of a healthy lifestyle were meetings with the head of methodical department of regional AIDS center, and with doctor epidemiologist Kozhalimova Samal Kenshilikovna and with narcologist of Almaty City AIDS Center A.A. Lyubushkina. For students were provided booklets and videos about spreading of prevention measures of infection by this disease.