Roundtable discussion on "New Trends in the Education of China"


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April 9, 2015 at 12:00 in the 109th auditorium of the Faculty of Oriental Studies and the Faculty of International Relations, teachers, students, and undergraduates organized a round table discussion on "New Trends in Education of China".

The round table was attended by Associate Professors of the Faculty of Oriental Studies, Department of Chinese Studies and Associate Professors A.A.Kenzhebayeva, K.Kh. Smagulova, Senior Lecturer A. Kaliollakyzy, R.Dosymbekova and 1 graduate course of the "Translation Studies" specialty and 3rd year students of the "World Economy" specialty of the Faculty of Diplomatic Translation. Participants of the roundtable discussed the education system in China, new trends, asked questions. This is useful for the development of creative potential of future professionals to be aware of the specifics of the education system abroad, it was held to be a wealth of information. Features of the education system in China, academics provide comprehensive information. Roundtable was ended by an interesting discussion.