Multiplex as a comprehensive method of assessing the quality of education


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November 12, 2014 , a had a meeting with famous scientists, experts, head of the laboratory of the Institute of pedagogical measurement strategies and theory of education of the Russian Academy of Education , Ph.D., professor N.N. Naydenova. She gives a lecture on "Multiplex as a comprehensive method of assessing the quality of education" for the students of specialty "Social pedagogy and self-cognition", "Pedagogics and Psychology".

November 12, 2014 , a had a meeting with famous scientists, experts, head of the laboratory of the Institute of pedagogical measurement strategies and theory of education of the Russian Academy of Education , Ph.D., professor N.N. Naydenova. She gives a lecture on "Multiplex as a comprehensive method of assessing the quality of education" for the students of specialty "Social pedagogy and self-cognition", "Pedagogics and Psychology".