Thanksgiving Day


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Knowing foreign languages is not only developing linguistic competence, but also being acquainted with the culture of the native speakers. It is impossible to understand the subtle nuances and deep meanings of another culture without knowing its language well, to feel a sense of respect for the traditions of other nations. In connection with this, one of the most important holidays of English-speaking countries is Thanksgiving Day, which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. Thanksgiving Day has another name - the Day of Harvest, but in this day it is essential to express gratitude not only for the harvest, but also for all that was given to us: health, family, friends, home, happy to be fit and to benefit people.

On the eve of this holiday, 25th November, 2014 within the innovative project “Aynalandy nurlandyr!”, teachers of General Linguistics and Foreign Philology Department Mustafina G.K, Kamzina A.A, Saparhodzhaeva N.P and Shakenova V.B, together with students of 1-3 courses of specialty ”Foreign language: two foreign languages” and “Foreign Philology“ prepared a festive program in dormitory № 17 and tried to bring to the audience the idea that we should try to be a little bit better and to look at life with gratitude. Being thankful means to appreciate all that you have. To be grateful means to be rich in spirit and pure in heart.