October 29th 2014 Ministry for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan NGO "Chief Editors Club" and the Faculty of Journalism of the KazNU named after al-Farabi hold republican scientific-practical conference dedicated to the modernization and further development of the domestic media


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Ministry for Investment and Development of Kazakhstan NGO "Chief Editors Club" and the Faculty of Journalism of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi hold republican scientific-practical conference dedicated to the modernization and further development of the domestic media.

Conference Topic: «Kazakhstan Journalism. Present and Future».

Date: October 29th2014. Starting at 10:00.

Venue: Convention Hall № 1, 4-floor, Scientific Library of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi

Scientific discussions at the conference will be held in the following areas:

Journalism: Profession or social mission?

Trends and traditions on Kazakh Media market.

Print and online Media: new technologies in the fight for a rating.

Scientific journalism and Communication science: challenges and perspectives.

Training of tomorrow journalists: professional standard. Media technologies. Journalistic ethics

The Media and intellectual values.

A video message from Ban Ki-moon UN Secretary-General on the Day of the United Nations will be heard during the conference. United Nations Day is celebrated annually on October 24. The decision to establish a holiday was made in 1948 at the second session of the UN General Assembly. Date of the celebration was timed to the UN Charter, adopted in 1945, entering into force. The next year, all nations around the world will celebrate the 70th anniversary of the UN. The conference will include a presentation of the project "UN Radio speaks Kazakh," prepared by "al-Farabi" students radio.

The conference will be attended by representatives of the United Nations in Kazakhstan, media executives, editors, journalists, representatives of the Agency for Communication and Information, the scientists and researchers of mass communication, teachers, students and postgraduates.

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