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The Republic of Kazakhstan

al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology

Almaty city


Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the international scientific conference "Ecology and genetics: current state and prospects of ecological and genetic studies in Kazakhstan", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the NAS and the MSC MAIN Bigalieva Aythazha Bigalievicha, which will be held December 25, 2012 at 1400 hours. at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi: Almaty, Al-Farabi, 71.

The purpose and objectives of the conference - to attract the attention of young researchers to important issues of genetics and general biology, ecological genetics, radiation biology and Radioecology in particular. The format of the conference include a discussion of those alleged in the statements and materials that you sent for publication. Conference proceedings will be published in a special edition of "Habarshy-Herald", Treasury Series ecological.

Information for participants

To participate in the conference committee should send the request and the report in the form of articles in print (2 pc.) And electronically (in electronic form or by E.mail). For non-residents - only in electronic form. Copies of reports submitted in Kazakh, Russian and English languages ​​before the November 10, 2012.

The example of the application form

Name and Surname (fully):____________________________________

Place of work: __________________________________________

Position, degree:________________________________

Contact telephone: _________________________________________

(E-mail) address:________________________________

Post Box: ______________________________________________

Technical means necessary for the demonstration of the report: _______

Publication of materials will be made by the authors. Application fee - 5000 KZT (equivalent - RR50, $ 35) for a single article (article amount up to 6 pages).

Executive secretary: lecturer Kozhakhmetova Aizada Nurahmetovna, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, al-Farabi av., 71, building № 6, room 424, tel.377-33-34, ext. 12-15, e-mail: ayzada.1983@mail.ru, Aizada.Kozhahmetova@kaznu.kz

Looking forward to your participation!

The Organizing Committee will be grateful to have

this letter circulated to interested parties!

Journal (general requirements for articles publication)

1. Text of the article appears in duplicate (computer-based) e-mail or on disk-storage medium with a single file that is identical to printed version of the article. In a text editor Word Windows-2003 (or saved as RTF). We recommend using the font type Times New Roman, font size - 12, the interval - 1.0, margins - 2 cm on all sides.

2. The article offered for publication in the "Journal of the KNU. A series of environmental "shall contain:

- UDC code,

- Name of the author (s)

- The title of the article (in the language of publication)

- Author (s) full name and contact information,

- Abstract published in the language of the text material (800-1000 characters),

- Key words (250 - 300 characters),

- The text of an article

- References (number of references 7-15, of which the share of Kazakhstani authors - 30-40%);

- A brief summary of the main findings in two languages ​​other, than the language of the published material (800-1000 characters).

3. When writing articles must adhere to the following plan:

UDC code, name and initials of the author (s), title in bold capital letters, full name of the institution where the work was done and where the author (s) and contact details, abstract, keywords, introduction to the nature of the study, indicating that introduces a new author (authors) in this area of ​​science compared with other researchers, "Materials and Methods" describes the language enough to play at the same time one should not paint the methods published previously, is enough to give the exact link to the appropriate source of literature " Results and discussion "must be described concisely and logically.

4. References to literature are given in the text with numbers in square brackets (for example [8]) as the reference. In the references after the last name and initials of the author (s) go to the title of article, book, journal, year, volume number, first and last page. In the list of references is only cited literature. Publishing design of published materials, "reference lists in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003" Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of ".

5. Illustrations (graphs, charts, diagrams) should be presented in clear drawings executed on the computer included in the file with the text of the article. Photos scanned and included in the file with the text of the article.

6. Articles in the journal "Bulletin of the KNU. A series of environmental "accepted in Kazakh, Russian and English languages, the author's name, title and summary must be presented in three languages. The text must be carefully verified and edited. At the end of the article must be signed by all authors, presented information about the author: name completely, with addresses and phone numbers of service, and mobile phones, e-mail.

7. The repetition of the article of the same data in the text, tables and graphs are not allowed. Tables and figures must be numbered. Tables should have a title, and drawings - subscript signature. Formulas use the computer.

8. Standard abbreviations should be limited, and to avoid the introduction of new reductions without sufficient justification. Imposed reductions to decipher.

9. The article should be accompanied by a review, reviews, and a cover letter signed by the head of the organization.

10. In disputed cases, the articles primacy belongs to the requirements of the Monitoring Committee of Education and Science of RK to the design of theses.

11. Articles, design does not meet the requirements, the publication is not allowed. Reviews on rejected, the editorial board of the journal, articles are not available, the authors of the manuscripts will not be returned. Authors are responsible for the contents of the papers.

The cost of publication: 5 to 10 pages - 5000 KZT.

Executive editor – Associate Professor Yerubayeva Gulzhan Keikbayevna, e-mail: Gulzhan.Erubaeva @ kaznu.kz