The Expert in the Center of the First President and domestic policy is required


Views: 2103

1. Education:
- the highest in "political science", "sociology";
- preferably foreign education;
- scientific degree of the master of sciences;
- existence of additional special educational programs on a profile;
- specialization "domestic policy", "media researches" (the Kazakh language), "religious studies", «the interethnic relations», "partiologiya".

2. Language skills:
- Kazakh;
- Russian;
- English.

3. Experience and skills:
- experience in research structures from 1 year to 3 years is welcomed;
- positive responses from a study and work place;
- existence of publications and participation in scientific forums;
- existence of analytical skills, strong motivation;
- organizing skills;
- work with official and normative documents on a profile;
- research skills:
• on collecting empirical materials for analytical notes and to their writing;
• on preparation of publicistic materials in mass media,
• scientific and academic researches,
• works with databases,
• implementation of the current monitoring of a situation,
• drawing up of operative forecasts,
• participations in sociological research,
• preparations of recommendations in studied area.

Kont. bodies 2 700-480 - a reception of Institute of world economy and policy

Career and business center