Arab Language Online


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The Faculty of Oriental Studies of KazNU in cooperation with Al-Jouf University of Saudi Arabia has held an international online seminar on learning Arabic using modern technology for foreigners.

Professor of Al-Jouf University, Mahmoud Abdul Hafiz Halafallah, a well-known specialist in languages, has told the seminar participants about the history of emergence and formation of the Arabic language, its distribution, features and dialects, its influence on other languages, as well as its role in the world space. He also gave practical recommendations for successful mastering and improving Arabic. The speaker highlighted necessity for application of modern technologies in education, presented experience in use of electronic textbooks and manuals. He emphasized that application of different types of educational computer, E-Learning, Mobile Learning in mastering Arabic language gives good results.

The online seminar, organized by the Department of Middle East and South Asia of Al-Farabi KazNU, was attended by Professors and PhD Students of the Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak, L.Gumilev ENU, Abai KazNPU, Abylai Khan UIR&WL and other higher education institutions of the country.