"On the basic approaches of implementing meritocracy principle in the human resources policy of budgetary organizations and national companies in Republic Kazakhstan as a factor in countering corruption".


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In the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law in conjunction with the public reception of the "Civil Control" will hold a round table on the topic "On the basic approaches of implementing meritocracy principle in the human resources policy of budgetary organizations and national companies in Republic Kazakhstan as a factor in countering corruption".

Organizers: Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption Activities in Almaty, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, public reception "Civil control".

The roundtable will be attended by leading legal scholars of Kazakhstan and foreign countries, representatives of state bodies, national companies, associations, academics.

It is planned to discuss the following issues:

• Introduction of the principle of meritocracy as one of the directions of reforming the personnel policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

• The role of the principle of meritocracy in improving the system of hiring, training and promotion of personnel in public bodies, budget organizations and national companies in Kazakhstan and anti-corruption.

• The principle of meritocracy as one of the factors of combating corruption in personnel policy.

• Legal aspects of using the principle of meritocracy in the formation of corps of civil servants and employees of national companies.

• Problems and prospects of using the experience of introducing the principle of meritocracy in the personnel policy in the countries of the far and near abroad.


Organizing committee and contact numbers: al Faraby Kazakh National University. Phone: 8 (727) 221-12-55, +77014151814, +77075751175, +77013553535 Baymahanova Dina Muratovna, Tursynkulova Dinara Ahanovna, Karatayeva Aigul Muratbayevna, Kusainov Duman Ozamanovich, Nusipova Latifa Bagdatovna.


Location: Almaty city, al-Farabi avenue 71, al-Farabi KazNU,

               Faculty of Law, 309 auditory

Time: June 21, 2018 at 11.00 h.

The working languages ​​of the round table are Kazakh, Russian and English.