International patents of the cluster of chemical-technological sciences


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The university administration has been thanked for the cluster of chemical and technological sciences (the Faculty of chemistry and chemical technology, the Center for Physical and Chemical Methods of Research and Analysis, the Research Institute for New Chemical Technologies and Materials) for the largest number of international patents received in 2017. In 2017 scientists of the cluster obtained 3 international patents:

-          US patent No. 9834826. Method for extracting beryllium from bertrandite and phenakite mineral groups // Ospanov H.K., Mutanov G.M., Ospanova N.H., Baiboldieva A.B.

-          Eurasian patent No. 025559. Photoluminescent material of rare-earth orthoborate and the method of its production // Kokh A., Kononova N., Shevchenko V., Seretkin Yu., Uralbekov B., Bolatov A., Burkitbaev M.

-          Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2629080. Method for obtaining silver chloride particles // Tatykaev B., Urakaev F., Kokh A., Uralbekov B., Burkitbaev M.