Round table "The words of edification and the chosen verses of Abay" within the 100 books project


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On November 30, 2017  students of  a specialty "5B070100" – Biotechnology,  Department of Biotechnology of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, held a round table within the project event  in the frame of the Programme “100 books” "The words of edification and the chosen verses of Abay".

The purpose of the event: to promote formation of high sense of patriotism and pride of the Homeland Kazakhstan, acquaintance with life and works of the great Kazakh poet of Abay Kunanbayev.

One of the brightest works and works of the thinker and the philosopher of the Kazakh people Abay of Kunanbayula are the Words of Edification. Abay constantly called the people for knowledge, claiming: "Only knowledge the person is alive, Only knowledge the century moves! Only knowledge — a torch of hearts!". He emphasized that lack of knowledge, ignorance make the person defective. According to him, spiritual improvement of the personality in many respects depends on acquisition of knowledge, education. "Knowledge of the person — he wrote, is a criterion of humanity". Only having the necessary sum of knowledge, the person can learn the world, distinguish good from the evil, useful from harmful, and only then from it it is possible to wait for advantage. To be in time behind the growing knowledge of human society, it is necessary to study, to fill up the knowledge each hour. Abay writes in "The words of edification": "Without science there is no benefit on that in this world". "The forty fifth word", comes to an end with words: "That who has more knowledge... that also possesses the world". Abay taught young people to find the place in society and to direct the knowledge to helping the people to be exempted from ignorance and lawlessness. Edifications of Abay have great educational value also today.

Together with the students 2- 3 courses of specialty "5B070100 - Biotechnology" was held a round table devoted to the life and works of great kazakh poet Abay.  Students presentation about the work of  great Kazakh poet, acquainted with the biography of the poet, and  delivered reports, prepared presentations. Students read excerpts from the works of Abayexpressed their opinions about the work of the poeton topical subjects that still are modern and  that  have been troubled Abai many years ago. At the end of the event teachers expressed their admiration for the work of the great poet Abay and thanks to students who have prepared this event.


Venue: GAM-6, 412 room. Time: 17:00. Organizers: PhD, associate professor Asrandina S.SH., Doctor of Biological Science, professor Atabayeva S.D., Doctor of chemical science, Professor Shoinbekova S. A.