"Letter of Husni"


Views: 3724

To the attention of all teachers, doctoral students, undergraduates and students wishing to study the "Letter of Husni"!

The center "Al-Kitab" of the Middle East and South Asia Department of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of al-Farabi KazNU opens 3-month courses of calligraphy in the period from 15.02.2018 to 12.05.2018.

Lessons are held once a week for 80 minutes. This course is designed to study the types of artistic writing (calligraphy) in Arabic. The participants of the full course are given certificates of the Al-Kitab center.

The cost of the course: 3000tg/month, payment to the settlement account of al-Farabi KazNU.

Location: Almaty, Karasai batyr St., 95a (Baitursynov Street corner), 542 aud.

Time: every Thursday from 15:00 to 16:20.

Contact telephones: + 7-778-958-30-41, 8- (727) -243-83-54